« Il y a quelque chose du Pop Art dans ce travail mais c’est l’affect qui fait le reste, et pas uniquement l’encre. Richard Roux Giuge est dans le partage, le cœur, l’essence des choses. Il transforme ainsi des personnages en icônes, presque en logo, en idéogrammes d’un langage urbain, arty, vintage et pop qui lui convient et qui tout compte fait se comprend fort bien dans la simplicité, la facilité et la fantaisie.
Il ne reste que cette jubilation, ce désir de faire qui se transmet, accroché à un mur. »
Michel Sajn (La Strada - 2021)
"There is something of pop art in this work but it is affect that does the rest, and not only ink. Richard Roux Giuge is in sharing, the heart, the essence of things. He thus transforms characters into icons, almost into logo, ideograms of an urban, arty, vintage and pop language which suits him and which everything is understood very well in simplicity, ease and fantasy.
Only this jubilation remains, this desire to do that is transmitted, hanging on a wall. »»
Michel Sajn (La Strada - 2021)
Il ne reste que cette jubilation, ce désir de faire qui se transmet, accroché à un mur. »
Michel Sajn (La Strada - 2021)
"There is something of pop art in this work but it is affect that does the rest, and not only ink. Richard Roux Giuge is in sharing, the heart, the essence of things. He thus transforms characters into icons, almost into logo, ideograms of an urban, arty, vintage and pop language which suits him and which everything is understood very well in simplicity, ease and fantasy.
Only this jubilation remains, this desire to do that is transmitted, hanging on a wall. »»
Michel Sajn (La Strada - 2021)